Sunday, July 6, 2008

Watch this space

There we go. I am just done with creating an account. I could not help but wonder at seeing google taking over this too. Wondering whether there would be a time when Google will become
synonymous for internet. Anyways, they say businesses with positive externalities are best done in monopoly (more on this later...)

I am going to put my wacky/arbit/remotely reasonable thoughts here from now on (as you could see already).

Recently I find myself searching for things to talk about, when my friends from IIMB call up. Mainly coz, life has been pretty routine and only things worthwhile talking about are day-to-day details and rather not pain them with those on phone. So, hoping this blog thing could lead to a discussion or a conversation or an argument (less often though).

So, you are reading this first blog either because I forced you into checking this (remember when you thought I am a bit of narcissist, aah that is when I asked you) or you are a total jobless guy aiming to find most worthless things on net. I hope to entertain both kinds...

will be back ASAP...


sagar.rayepalli said...

hahahahah... I am the most jobless guy on earth.... hence i am the first person to comment on ur blog

Kinshuk said...

hey murkut, if u hv nothing betr to do, get married da, neway gold is appreciating

My three cents said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Murkut a.k.a. Dileep said...

good to see you here ra...will keep you updated
anything apart from "gold" teases? :-)
@deleted post guy
i dont know what you found in my blog to abuse or whatever :-)))

Hridesh said...

waiting for further posts...

shveta said...

have this habit of readin the very frst posts of all em well turned out blogs...... just wanted to see how it all began for this one